The History of Germany I

It happened in the Year of 1989 when a few bike riding cops from Bonn made their way to an international bike meeting in Lanaaken / Belgium. The meeting was held by the IPA (International Police Association). As it turned out, Blue Knights® from the USA were visiting, too. The idea of the Blue Knights® sparked the interest of the german collegues and so the foundation of the first german chapter was decided at the meeting. The chapter Germany I was registered with the Blue Knights® International the same year.

In July 1989 the first draft of the chapter rules were decided on and refined in 1990. This set of rules was signed by the first 11 members of the chapter. The original design of the Germany I patch was drafted the same year. In 1991 the Blue Knights® Chapter Germany I was officially registered as a club in Germany, letting the Blue Knights® arrive in german bureaucracy as well.

The Founding Fathers of Germany I along with Blue Knights®
of the Chapter New York I in July 1989 in Lanaaken / Belgium